Postnatal 6x course - SIGN UP

Pregnancy - Birth
- Postnatal Yoga
At Purna we understand that preparing for birth is important and we strive to provide couples with the necessary resources and knowledge to have the best birthing experience possible. Our classes are designed to help couples feel informed, empowered and confident on their birthing journey.

FIRST TRIMESTER (6 – 14 weeks)
The time between the eighth and fourteenth week is a delicate one, when it is particularly important not to overdo it. During that time it is best to avoid all vigorous exercise, including prenatal yoga for 2nd and 3rd trimester, even if you already practice other forms of yoga.
The most important qualities needed during pregnancy are awareness and relaxation, both of which can be cultivated via breathing. It is never too early to start with breathing and relaxation techniques for example in one of our restorative classes.
First trimester practice
Breathing – Containment – Gentle stretches – Alignment of spine – Steady the emotions –
Centre yourself to cope with changes – Access the deep relaxation that lies within you
2 & 3 TRIMESTER (14 – 40 weeks)
Not appropriate for 1st trimester
In the last two trimester there is a great focus on supporting the preparation for labour. But most of all the emphasis is on preventive care and laying the best possible foundation in the transition to parenthood. Each pregnancy is unique and special attention is given to each new mother, whether she is having her first baby or she is a busy mother already.
You will learn techniques to relax, re-energise, centre yourself and connect with your baby. You will be able to do both breathing exercises and physical movements to relieve discomfort, move safely, and position both yourself and your baby optimally. Pregnancy Yoga is gentle and safe for all women, whether new to Yoga or with years of practice.
Second and third trimester practice
Open the chest for deeper breathing – Align your posture to make more room for your baby –
Stretch the legs wide to exercise the pelvic muscles – Hold the spine erect for free flow of energy –
Steady the emotions – Centre yourself to cope with changes –
Access the deep relaxation that lies within you
The movements in this type of yoga are unforced and rhythmical. They are carefully designed to build up awareness, stamina and strength in certain muscle groups, while encouraging stretching and relaxation in others. The class is always balanced with activity and relaxation.
Practical advice for birth preparation and postnatal care are introduced in the second and third trimester.
Please be aware that not all yoga classes are appropriate for pregnant women. If becoming pregnant, consider changing to a prenatal class. Factors such as too much heat, overstretching, deeper twists, bandhas, etc. can possibly be dangerous to mother and baby.
We have an extensive video library full of easy-to-follow yoga practices for pregnancy and postnatal yoga - no expiring date - join us for a journey through prenatal and postnatal yoga.
with Nicola Moberg
Do you feel prepared for the birth of your baby? Does your partner know what his role is?
Yoga has amazing tools for giving birth. Nicola’s experience working with hundreds of couples over the last 10 years plus her own personal birth stories will change your perception about what you thought birth is like. And if it’s your second, third or fourth baby, you know what could’ve been differently done last time.
“Birth Preparation Workshop for Couples”
Why preparing for birth?
– Trust yourself and the labouring process
– Free yourself from fears about birth
– Learn how to listen to your instincts and intuition
– Be motivated and inspired
– Give your partner the necessary tools to support you, so he can be actively involved
– Breathe effectively during labour which helps you relax and focus
– Use ease of movement and birthing positions to facilitate the opening of the pelvis with the help of gravity
– Use sound to stimulate the labour, to release tension and stay centred
– Know how to release positive birth hormones
– Relax through contractions and between contractions
– Create a body memory for exhale pushing or birthing lightly without strain
– Bond with your baby in the moment
- Prepare for postpartum care
This workshop will transform fear into calm power in the transition to motherhood, using yoga resources to tap into the inner body wisdom accessible to all women.
Congratulations, You are doing this together! Welcome 🙂
Group class 129€ per couple (3 hours)
If you’d like a private class the price is 179€ (2 hours) just for you and your partner on the day of your choice.